V1.4 Released - Hotspot Monitoring & Notifications are now live!
Users can now view a hotspot and add monitoring to follow along and get notifications when issues are detected.
Users have a basic display of notifications at the moment with email alerts. This will expand as we work on new features, but due to some backend changes needed, we won't be releasing anything snazzier just yet. Stay tuned for updates on this!
We've been running tests on our hotspots for a week now and have had useful notifications about our own setups and faults that we have with them.
Having monitoring of hotspots has lead us to quickly resolving issues that were previously undiagnosed , leading to better earnings
We've known when hotspots change IP, go down for an upgrade, or just have unsteady connections. Notifications allow you to quickly manage fleets of hotspots and find out what goes wrong instantly instead of seeing declining earnings and alerts of downtime 2 days later.
We hope you like the new features, and as ever if you have any feature requests, please let us know!