
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We want to give a massive shoutout to StakeJoy for providing us with access to a private API endpoint, this has allowed us to pull some PoC based reward statics that we just couldn't do before.
Rewards Tab
At a glance quickly see earnings & activity of a hotspot. You can now see the number of hotspots it has witnessed, are witnessing it, and how many beacons it has performed in the last week. More updates on this soon.
Peers Tab
Lookup what hotspots a hotspot is connected to over the P2P network for gossiping the chain, we've had requests to bring this back and tabs is the perfect way. This will expand over time to better show the information
Stripe Customer Portal
Allow users to visit the stripe customer portal to do things like change card & pay/view invoices. Users can visit the customer portal by clicking the link on their account page.
Ticketing Support
We have released a ticket support centre for subscribers - this is meant for issues with HeliumStatus. Help and support to general questions about setup can be found via our (paid) Ask an expert services.
Bug fixes
  • Last connection time now showing correctly as MS.
  • Ping display issues have been fixed for long p2p addresses.
And Finally
We've filled our feature request section with some great ideas, let us know what you think, and if you have your own request, please post it!
V1.4 Released - Hotspot Monitoring & Notifications are now live!
Users can now view a hotspot and add monitoring to follow along and get notifications when issues are detected.
Users have a basic display of notifications at the moment with email alerts. This will expand as we work on new features, but due to some backend changes needed, we won't be releasing anything snazzier just yet. Stay tuned for updates on this!
We've been running tests on our hotspots for a week now and have had useful notifications about our own setups and faults that we have with them.
Having monitoring of hotspots has lead us to quickly resolving issues that were previously undiagnosed , leading to better earnings
We've known when hotspots change IP, go down for an upgrade, or just have unsteady connections. Notifications allow you to quickly manage fleets of hotspots and find out what goes wrong instantly instead of seeing declining earnings and alerts of downtime 2 days later.
We hope you like the new features, and as ever if you have any feature requests, please let us know!



V1.3.4 Released

  • Added ping as a metric to online status.
  • Removed warning when listen address is different on the API - the notice was causing more grief than it was helping with.
Just to keep folks up to date, monitoring is in beta, tests are running well and the system seems to be working well, we'll be releasing it to the public ASAP!




Hotspot search now shows a loading symbol when loading results
When viewing a hotspot, if the hotspot has an IPV4 listen address, clicking the connection test button will pre-fill the connection tester with the IPV4 and port detected.
Updates to recipients to clean up the UI and functionality ready for monitoring.
Updated wording on the status report when observed and API listen address are different to better explain this won't cause issues, just a sign that you may have had issues.




Hotspot Status UI Cleanup
The UI for hotspot status and searching has been cleaned up even further to improve the look and feel.
Major thanks go out to the folks at Hotspotty for being awesome and letting us use their amazing hotspot avatars!
Usage Has Exploded
We've hit over 1,500 signups for the tool and we're just amazed how popular it's becoming, our API is hitting over 10k requests a day and we just want to say thanks for all who have signed up! The donations have been much appreciated to cover growing server costs, but never feel like you have to!
Monitoring & Alerting
Work is continuing and we'll be ready to show off our automated monitoring, alerting system and how we'll help improve your earnings soon, watch this space!





Hotspot status actions
Thanks go out to Gristleking for this suggestion, list any issues found and give advise on what the issue is/how to fix.
Minor changes
  • Improved ping functions to always return a result, even with bad links
  • Removed p2p peers section from the status report, it wasn't that helpful!
  • Added a message to connect to show how to use the tool.




  • Improved loading of status reports
  • Improved Connect to show a spinner when fetching results
  • Notifications & Recipients work ready for monitoring
  • Added wallet button to the status page (thanks Leon for the suggestion!)




  • Improved status report failures (faulty JSONRPC library was causing issues)
  • Improved offline statuses to better define what is wrong
  • Ping & Connect have been switched back on
We've hit over 500 users, and I just want to say thanks to everyone who's signed up so far! Monitoring & Alerting will be released shortly (end of the month) and explainer videos will follow.



  • Updated search results to show Listed IP is from the Helium API.
  • Updated status page to list the IP from the Helium API for comparison