We want to give a massive shoutout to StakeJoy for providing us with access to a private API endpoint, this has allowed us to pull some PoC based reward statics that we just couldn't do before.
Rewards Tab
At a glance quickly see earnings & activity of a hotspot. You can now see the number of hotspots it has witnessed, are witnessing it, and how many beacons it has performed in the last week. More updates on this soon.
Peers Tab
Lookup what hotspots a hotspot is connected to over the P2P network for gossiping the chain, we've had requests to bring this back and tabs is the perfect way. This will expand over time to better show the information
Stripe Customer Portal
Allow users to visit the stripe customer portal to do things like change card & pay/view invoices. Users can visit the customer portal by clicking the link on their account page.
Ticketing Support
We have released a ticket support centre for subscribers - http://help.heliumstatus.io/ this is meant for issues with HeliumStatus. Help and support to general questions about setup can be found via our (paid) Ask an expert services.
Bug fixes
  • Last connection time now showing correctly as MS.
  • Ping display issues have been fixed for long p2p addresses.
And Finally
We've filled our feature request section with some great ideas, let us know what you think, and if you have your own request, please post it! https://heliumstatus.canny.io